Fancy a vacation but don't feel like searching?
Ten reasons to book with holidayheroes.
Think for a moment and try to remember your last booking.
Annoying, time-consuming or simply boring?
Booking a vacation with us is fun!
holidayheroes is designed to put you at the center. The mission of our product is to simplify the process of exploring and booking your next vacation and provide you with full transparency.
The search works differently here.
You don't have to enter a destination or travel dates to get specific offers that are already priced. Just enter a few details (what, where, when or budget) and our algorithm will select the best offers for you.
We value your time.
Thanks to our lightning-fast UI, you get all the results in under two seconds.
You can find all the information you need at a glance on each offer page.
Destination, hotel, costs, included services (luggage, etc.) and the flights. You can also view the hotel's website directly via a link and open Google Maps with a click to check the surrounding area. We also show you information about the transfer (train, cab, etc.) from the airport to the hotel, i.e. how long it takes and the approximate cost of each transportation option. Cool, isn't it?
A centerpiece of our product can also be found on the offer page.
A price calendar for the entire month of travel, so you can see at a glance on which departure days the vacation will cost more or less and book accordingly!
Speaking of costs!
There are no extra costs that suddenly appear at check-out. You can see at a glance what is included in the price (luggage is always included, for example!), until when the booking can be changed or canceled and how much money you will get back if the trip is canceled.
What exactly are "the best deals"?
This is where our "Hero Deal" price guarantee comes into play. The algorithm always creates the best price-performance combinations. It takes into account flight times, costs, conditions, included baggage, the quality of the airline and airport and, of course, the price to create the best value-for-money options for you. And because we combine flights and hotels, our packages are cheaper than booking them individually. However, if you find the same flight and the same hotel under the same conditions at a lower price, we will refund you the difference immediately.
We only offer Dynamic Packages.
This means that you can customize every aspect of your trip to suit your individual requirements. We are not tied to specific airlines or hotels, so you are completely free to choose.
Discover the world with us!
You haven't decided on a specific destination yet? Perfect! Because without having to specify a destination, we'll suggest the best travel destinations for the desired period, based on data such as the average weather at the destination or your chosen vacation theme. This is a great way to discover new destinations away from the well-known ones.
And if you just want to click through on your cell phone.
That's where we offer a unique mobile experience that starts with an assistant. Answer a few simple questions and the algorithm will generate your own personalized feed with vacation options that perfectly match you and your wishes!